Hey, Special K! How about a blog post?
Sure, don’t mind if I do. Can I get it toasted?
That sums up the last two weeks or so for me. I’ve been busy working on the road, which, in this case, means hanging out in DC during the week and home on the weekends. Well, that’s not really fun, but it pays for some of the fun.
I got a toaster as my most major Christmas gift this year. That seems pretty funny that I would get the toaster that I asked for. I didn’t really ask to get a toaster for Christmas, but it was just around Christmas time and I mentioned to Dr. K that I’d like to scrap the toaster oven for a real toaster. I also wasn’t very specific about what I wanted for Christmas gifts, so I got a toaster.
It’s a real nice toaster made by Cuisinart with an LED browning indicator and settings for bagels, thawing, and of course, toast. Since 12/25, I’ve been toasting every piece of bread that has come near my mouth. PBJ on toast. Tuna on toast. Warm Pop-tarts? O-M-G.
Yes, the podcast (gtpodcast.com) is still going strong and might even pick up a sponsor. It would be nice if it would pay for itself. That means about $750 a year. I don’t think we will have an problem there, but I’d sure like to see the money in the bank.
I’ve been 3 weeks without poker. Folks have been busy. I should get that monkey off my back next weekend. Until then, we’ll just keep plugging along whistling a happy tune.