Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Special K's on the telephone

Jott From Special K on Wednesday, 3/28/2007 12:21 PM

Hello readers, this is [name: special K] and I am actually talking on the telephone right now attempting to make this post directly to my blog. This is a new service called Jott that I just [inaudible] for apparently free and will allow me to report on events or make quick notes or similar types of things when I post to blog.

Listen to audio
Set reminders, assign, and manage this jott on

Brought to you by Jott Networks, Inc.


So that is where it cut me off at 30 seconds. Not a bad transcription. The inaudible part was inaudible due to the cell phone connection. And the post doesn't go straight to the blog. It got routed to the blog as a draft. As I learn about this, Jott may be very useful. This, by the way, is an unsponsored post.

1 comment:

CarmenSinCity said...

Pretty cool!!!!!!! I guess that's very useful to people who are too lazy to type. hehe